Making Addiction Treatment More Person-Centered by Way of Billing Technology

by | Oct 16, 2017 | Information Technology and Services

The field of addiction treatment has come a long way in the last few decades. With new medications, new approaches and new ways of thinking, former addicts are living longer, healthier, happier lives than ever before.

However, some aspects of receiving adequate treatment for addiction still leave patients dissatisfied. One of these aspects is the way billing issues are handled, which is often a long and confusing process for everyone involved. Whether it’s delays in sending relevant information to insurance agencies, or in issuing bills to patients, providers often struggle to balance the necessary face time of treating patients for addiction recovery and managing their billing during and after their treatment. Even lawmakers have come to understand the problem of excess paperwork involved in the addiction treatment process.

Letting Software Pull the Load

In this day and age, there is no reason for nurses and other qualified treatment staff to spend large parts of their duty hours logging patient information in preparation for billing. Medical software designers and retailers are always seeking to solve this problem. With today’s addiction medicine billing software solutions, nearly all points of the billing process can be automated. This makes for easier and quicker patient registrations, lighter work on the part of qualified staff members, and less overall red tape to contend with during the treatment process.

Taking a ‘Byte’ Out of Billing

Billing is a tedious process for most medical providers. This is one reason why so many contract the task out to other firms or hire hourly staff to handle the job. However, with fully-integrated addiction medicine billing software, the process of billing patients based on their own information and services rendered almost completes itself. With this process simplified, streamlined and solved, there is more time for providers to focus on moving addiction treatment medicine further into the future and there will be less time spent worrying on who should handle the billing.

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