Everlogic is one of the best dealership inventory software packages on the market. Whether you are selling automobiles, recreational vehicles, or trailers, Everlogic has you covered. This software is sponsored by one of the industry leaders in accounting and management software, which is Intuit Quickbooks.
Everlogic is a cloud-based product, so there is no need to worry about upgrades or technical difficulties. Once you put your data into the program, you will instantly see ways to streamline your business.
Every month you will be updated on any news that is going on in the dealership industry, so you can make informed decisions when operating your business.
The Everlogic dealership inventory software will help you organize your inventory, payroll, parts and services, and much more. Within the software, there are nine modules. Each section operates individually and in unison with the rest of the software.
Everlogic has a module for customer management that gives you customized information for each of your clients. With this data, you can give all your customers individualized attention. You will know what kind of services they need, what kind of product they are looking for, and the quality of the customer you are dealing with.
With the back-office module, you will be able to manage unlimited amounts of documents without messy papers. This module will help you communicate from one department to the other with ease and efficiency.
Even though Everlogic is extremely user friendly, you will still get training and support. Not to mention, Everlogic offers an all around the clock learning center, so you can get familiar with the software on your own time.